

The combination of highly qualified staff and a highly technological production system are the basis of our human resources management philosophy. Our goal is to have motivated and satisfied employees, and we consider that investment in human resources and a stimulating work environment are a necessary prerequisite for long-term success. Aware of the fact that, without quality and committed employees, the company cannot achieve its maximum, we provide optimal working conditions, numerous benefits and the possibility of promotion.
Why chose our company?
domaće i uvijek svježe
Timski rad hover
Team work
provjerena sirovina
Sigurnost i stabilnost hover
Security and stability
kontrolirana kvaliteta
Dugorocna perspektiva hover
Long-term perspectives
zdravstvena ispravnost
Poticajno okruzenje hover
A stimulating environment
tehnološka inovativnost
Nagrade za rezultate hover
Rewards for results
Otvorena molba
Open application

Do you want to become part of our team and develop a career in one of the most promising industries?

Send us your application, and we will contact you as soon as an opportunity for a position that matches your interests and qualifications opens up!

Otvorena molba