The story of Pivac Brothers Meat Industry began long ago, in 1952, in a small town of Vrgorac, situated in Dalmatinska zagora. We started as a small, family craft based on the tradition of processing and drying meat, while keeping our traditional recipes and making use of new technologies, and over the years we’ve developed into one of the leading meat industries in Croatia. Today, Pivac brand leads the Croatian market in the production of prosciutto (pršut), with more than 350,000 pieces produced on a yearly basis, and is a synonym for exceptional cured meat delicacies - Dalmatian prosciutto (Dalmatinski pršut), Dalmatian pancetta (Dalmatinska panceta) and Dalmatian smoked pork loin (Dalmatinska pečenica) with the EU Protected Geographical Indication. We take great pride in the fact that we have 250 retail stores all over Croatia.
Besides Pivac Brothers Meat Industry (Mesna industrija Braća Pivac), the Pivac Group encompasses two other meat industry companies – PPK Karlovac Meat Industry (PPK karlovačka mesna industrija) and Vajda Meat Industry (Mesna industrija Vajda). Having over 2000 employees makes us one of the largest and most respectable meat industries in this part of Europe. We implement state of the art production technologies for the production of fresh meat and products from it, while also being leaders in the implementation of modern technical solutions and information and communication technologies in the business operation of our companies and butcher’s shops.